Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 4

Trauma and Awakening

This week is flying by! I am really proud of myself! I have worked up to a whole 30 seconds of allowing myself to feel good sensations in my body at least 5 times a day. Now, that’s progress! Also, with encouragement from Sherri, I’ve decided that it is time to go on a “No-Beating-Myself-Up Diet.” When I recognize that I am starting to put myself down, either in my head or when I am talking to others, I will stop and focus my awareness to something else that is pleasant in my surroundings or in my body. Sherri said it could be a little experiment. I think it will be fun! I feel I have enough confidence to try this little experiment now. Sherri is a great support to me, too!

I am starting to feel like I have more energy now and the 5 minute walk that I agreed to do on a daily basis has grown into a 30 minute walk. I didn’t think I could do it, but here I am…doing it!

I still am having issues with depression, but at least I feel my life is improving, little by little. My headaches have decreased in frequency and some of my back pain has gone away, too. I am not sure if SE has anything to do with this, but I am very grateful!

Since, part of my homework is to orient to pleasure, Sherri sent me this great YouTube clip the other day on Gratitude! It has really helped me feel the good sensations in my body! Warm fuzzies!

Schwartberg, Louie. "Gratitude." TedTalk. June 2011. Web. 27 February 2013.

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