Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 2


I have noticed some changes over the past week. I have wanted to connect with my friends and family more and I seem to be able to handle the stress at work better. Also, I seem to remember where I put my keys and I do not need to use my “To Do” list as much anymore. I am not sure if it has anything to do with the SE sessions. I just can’t believe that working with sensations in my body could have any impact, but I am starting to feel a little better. In therapy, I am use to talking and talking and talking yet with Sherri, we briefly touch upon the issues and she directs me back into my body and my experience. Despite my doubts, I’ll keep going to see her. I feel supported by her and even if orienting and tracking the sensations does absolutely nothing for me, since it seems so simple, I like her. I feel like she is a positive person in my life. Also, she reminds me of the perfect mother I always wanted. I can call one of my friends and complain about my day, if I really want to, I guess.

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