Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This blog will chronicle the sessions of “Julie” as she participates in Somatic Experiencing® therapy, hereafter referred to as SE. The aim of these posts is to give the readers a first-hand account of the therapy in order to fulfill the requirements for the English 305W Final Project and complement the Final Research Paper. A brief clinical background on “Julie” is that she suffers from mild depression and hasn’t seen any long term benefits from traditional therapeutic modalities. She is looking to increase her resilience to the stressors of life and decided to give SE a try to discover the innate resources within. “Julie” is a fictitious character and any names as well as the details of events have been changed to maintain anonymity and protect privacy. Enjoy!

*Disclaimer: this blog is not meant to treat or diagnose any illness. It is merely an overview of Somatic Experiencing and does not provide an exhaustive representation of the various styles and techniques utilized within the framework of a SE session. Please do not try this at home. Different situations require specific tools or techniques, so please consult a professional.

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