Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 1

Reorganizing the Nervous System

Ok, so I just got an email from Sherri, which contains a link to a YouTube video showing a polar bear shaking, kind of like I did the other day in her office but a milder version! She tells me it is just part of my nervous system discharging stored energy and it is called neurogenic tremors. I ask her if that means I am epileptic and she lets me know that shaking, heat, tremors, and even burping are a normal part of the process of trauma negotiation in SE! Despite its appearance, she says, the shaking and other activities of the body actually help the nervous system become more organized. Awesome, so I do not have to feel weird about my body doing these crazy things that seem to happen on their own! Whew! 

Something struck me about her email. Trauma. That word. I have never thought of my life experiences as being traumatic. I mean, I had a pretty normal childhood and I haven’t been in any major accidents. No broken bones, no hostage situation, no sexual abuse, no natural disasters. I mean I have lived a pretty sheltered life. That’s why my depression makes absolutely no sense to me! I’ll have to ask Sherri about trauma the next time we meet. Hopefully, I’ll remember! Maybe I should write myself a note? I think I will!

I did not think that the SE homework would be difficult, but focusing on the good stuff is harder than I thought! I had not realized how resistant I am to doing that! Crazy! Also, I have been having some strange dreams, such as meeting the boy that pulled my hair during recess and both of us getting along as if we are best buddies. Weird! I had another dream about my mother, which made me kind of sad. 

Anyway, I didn’t think that the session with Sherri was anything big. I mean she just told me to look around the room and tell her what I was sensing. Yet, I still feel drawn to go back for another session. I’ll give it another try! Why not! I’ve got nothing to lose.


“Polar Bear tremoring after a stressful event.” YouTube, n.d. Web. 23 February 2013.

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